How to improve your editor-author relationship

How can you improve your editor-author relationship? Trust is key. Yna Reyes shares key steps for building trust from 20 years of working with authors. She is head of publications at OMF Literature in the Philippines.

Trust is the foundation of an effective relationship between an author and editor. When an author turns in a manuscript, he expects the editor to treat it with respect and care. The editor needs to establish trust from the very beginning of the relationship. Here are a few tips to developing a strong foundation of trust:

  1. Meet with your author in a friendly environment like a coffee shop or restaurant. Pay the bill if possible. Build rapport from the start. Ask the author about his or her manuscript. What’s the author’s vision? Talk about yourself, what you do, and the joys of editing.

  2. Discuss the publisher’s vision and plan for the book. Make sure that the author’s vision aligns with the publisher’s vision. Discuss details of the contract. If possible send the contract several days before you meet together, so that the author has time to review it first.
  3. Explain the editorial process. Don’t assume the author understands what will happen to the manuscript once it’s in the pipeline. The more the author understands about the publication process, the less likely he or she will complain about delays or disappointments.
  4. Take time to pray with the author. Pray together for the author’s “baby,” the precious creation. Pray for an excellent book in content and quality. Pray that the Lord will bless your working relationship and grow you both in the process.

Learn more tips on how to strengthen your editor-relationship in our last webinar with Yna Reyes. When editor and author discover the treasures of trust, mutual respect, commitment, communication and collaboration, the result can be more than a good book. This partnership brings rewards beyond words. Watch the webinar video.

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